Brien Engel, Glass Harp
Assembly Performance
Service Description
Brien Engel initially developed his acclaimed Glass Harp performance from working with arts education specialists in the Young Audiences network, in several YA chapters around the U.S. In addition to playing in K-12 settings, he has given programs for aspiring teachers in colleges, science clubs, and other niche audiences. Recently he appeared at the Waxahachie Texas Chautauqua, with a “World of Water” theme along with keynote speaker Fabien Cousteau. Curriculum connections abound -- he is constantly refining his object lessons in sound physics, and demonstrations of improvised musical instruments, to inspire the fun of learning, and pride in invention. Assembly: Amazing Glass Harp! STEM/STEAM value for sound physics! Inspiration for young inventors! Brien Engel presents the Glass Harp -- an instrument of 50 stemmed glasses, which he plays by rubbing his fingers on their rims. This rare art form dates back to the 18th century, and Brien is one of very few practitioners. Students will enjoy a glass harp concert and demonstrations of fundamental sound physics to supplement units taught in class. Additional home-made instruments are presented. A demo model of Ben Franklin's invention, the Armonica, is also featured. This program includes audience interactive elements. Grade Levels K-12 Maximums 300 students per contact, 45-50 minutes, 4/day Technical Requirements Two six-foot tables, three chairs. Total Fee 1 performance - $580 / 2 performances (same school, same day) - $840 Website