Hobey Ford's Golden Rod Puppets
Winner of the UNIMA Citation for Excellence and 3 Jim Henson Foundation grants, Hobey Ford is known for his excellence in puppetry performance and craft and his skill as a master storyteller. Hobey utilizes his artistic studies from the State University of New York and UNCA to design and construct all of his Golden Rod puppets. His performances present puppetry styles and tales from around the world and feature puppetry styles he has created such as the Peepers hand puppets and his well-loved “Foamies” puppets made from large blocks of foam with inventive mechanisms to create life-like movements. Hobey tours internationally and trains teachers through his involvement with the Kennedy Center.
Minimum number of performances and/or workshops required for travel or hire:
1 if routed in area; 2 if not routed
Assembly Performances
ANIMALIA - The world of animals through movement, music & visually stunning puppetry; Butterfly and frog metamorphosis, the world of birds, undersea ballet of whales, dolphins and otters. MIGRATION - The wonders of migration through the eyes of a child making her own migratory journey to a new place & culture. SEA SONG - A boy discovering nature for the first time through a fascination with the life cycle of the sea turtle. A city boy spends his summer at the coast & is cut off from his digital world. WORLD TALES - 3 classic bug stories from around the world.
Duration: 45-50 minutes
Grade Level: Pre-K, Elementary School
Maximum Number of Students: PreK-1st: (300-350)*; 2nd-5th (400) * SEA SONG is limited to 250 students. Please ask if your number exceeds these guidelines.
Maximum Number of Performances: 2
Technical Requirements:
- Mr. Ford will patch into your PA system. He will need a direct box on stage to patch his IPod into, as well as one electrical extension cord to center stage.
- He will need one mic cord for his wireless.
- Performance area 20' wide x 15' deep x 8' high.
NC Essential Standards: THEATRE ARTS K.C.1.4.C.1 Use movement, voice and writing to communicate ideas and feelings; K.C.1.1 Use non-verbal expression to communicate movement elements 4.C.1.1 Use a variety of postures, gaits and mannerisms to express character in the presentation of stories; 4 C.1.2 Apply appropriate vocal elements of volume, pitch, rate, tone, articulation and vocal expression to various types of literature and storytelling 4.A.E.1.2 Understand how to to use costumes, props, masks, set pieces, and lighting to support dramatic presentations; 5.C.2 Use performance to communicate ideas and feelings / ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS L.3.4 Determine and/or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies: context clues, word parts, word relationships, and reference materials L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of nuances in word meanings.
Cost: $700 - One Program / $1,300 - Two Programs (same school, same day)
Combining storytelling with shadow puppetry brings a variety of cultures to life in the classroom through folktales. During this workshop, students learn shadow puppetry performance techniques and how to construct their own shadow puppets. Hobey Ford discusses the construction of a shadow puppet theater and how to later implement the technique for performing shadow plays.
Duration: 60 minutes
Grade Level: Elementary School
Maximum Number of Students: 25-30; 2nd grade and up
Maximum Number of Performances: 4
Technical Requirements: Table or desk for workshops supplies, room with chair and table or desk workspace for each participant; blackboard or white board or drawing pad on easel with appropriate writing tools; electrical outlet near Hobey's table; extension cord if necessary; AV cart or table at front of room for Hobey's project display board theater; Complete list of materials needed by students is available*.
*Hobey is able to supply students' materials for small additional cost.
NC Essential Standards: THEATRE ARTS K.C.1.4.C.1 Use movement, voice and writing to communicate ideas and feelings; K.C.1.1 Use non-verbal expression to communicate movement elements 4.C.1.1 Use a variety of postures, gaits and mannerisms to express character in the presentation of stories; 4 C.1.2 Apply appropriate vocal elements of volume, pitch, rate, tone, articulation and vocal expression to various types of literature and storytelling 4.A.E.1.2 Understand how to to use costumes, props, masks, set pieces, and lighting to support dramatic presentations; 5.C.2 Use performance to communicate ideas and feelings
Cost: $350 / Must be booked with an assembly performance - $700 for 2 workshops when booked with an assembly performance
Four workshops in one day w/o performance - $1200