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Charles Pettee

Charles Pettee

Charles Pettee, guitar and mandolin-wielding songwriter from Asheville, NC, loves sharing the catchy rhythms of NC Bluegrass and Folk music, as well as the segregation-defying stories behind this culturally diverse tapestry of music. From fronting Chapel Hill, NC’s world-traveling Shady Grove Band for 30 years, Mr. Pettee has become a master teaching artist whose programs and residencies are in high demand throughout North Carolina. Pettee offers age-adjusted presentations that align with Essential Standards for both Music and Social Studies for grades preK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Pettee has recently begun work on his 14th CD/album

  • Assembly Performance:Catch the Bluegrass Bug

    Grades prek- 2 are in for a treat when Mr. Charles takes the stage and brings the music of the North Carolina mountains to life in this fast-paced, interactive journey into the many sounds of NC Bluegrass music! Clap along to “Old Joe Clark” as Mr. Pettee stirs it up with his “tater-bug” mandolin! Call and response singing is a blast with the harmonica! Have more fun with animal sounds to the sound of the 5 string banjo (from Africa). Try out a new rhyme with the “Lollipop Tree,” or any of a number of the many joyful traditional tunes that make NC Bluegrass catchy!

    Duration: 45-50 minutes

    Grade Level: Pre-K, Elementary School

    Maximum Number of Students: 600

    Maximum Number of Performances: 3

    Technical Requirements:

    • Artist travels with full sound system

    NC Essential Standards: *K.ML.1.3 Execute simple rhythms using body, instruments, or voice. *K.ML.1.4 Recognize how music changes (such as dynamics and tempo). *K.ML.1.5 Illustrate a steady beat. *K.MR.1.2 Recognize contrasts in music, such as high/low pitch, loud/soft dynamics, fast/slow tempo, and same/different sections of music. *K.MR.1.3 Recognize that music is performed in a variety of settings and for a variety of purposes. *1.ML.1.3 Execute rhythmic patterns using body, instruments, or voice. *1.ML.1.4 Apply changes in dynamics and tempo when singing and playing music. *1.CR.1.1 Recognize how music is used in customs and traditions of various cultures. *2.ML.1.3 Execute extended rhythmic patterns using body, instruments, or voice. *2.MR.1.3 Illustrate audience and participant behavior appropriate for the purpose and setting that music is performed. *2.MR.1.4 Differentiate various instruments based on how their sounds are produced. *2.CR.1.1 Exemplify music representing the heritage, customs, and traditions of various cultures. Social Studies Connection: *2.C.2.1 Explain how artistic expressions of diverse cultures contribute to the community (stories, art, music, food, etc.). 

    Cost: $750 - one show / $950 - two shows (same day, same school)

  • Assembly Performance:Bluegrass Stomp

    Bluegrass Stomp (grades 3-5) is a romp through the musical styles from around the world that make up North Carolina Folk and Bluegrass music. This informative and interactive show combines Mr. Pettee’s experience from over 6,000 performances all over the US and Europe, with his blazing skills on the mandolin, guitar, banjo and harmonica, to delight students and teachers alike with a whirlwind review of musical styles from Africa to Europe to our own backyards! Call-response singing, clapping on beat, Q & A, and making up verses are some of the ways Mr. Pettee involves everyone in the music!

    Duration: 45-50 minutes

    Grade Level: Elementary School

    Maximum Number of Students: 600

    Maximum Number of Performances: 3 (may be combined with "Catch the Bluegrass Bug" show)

    Technical Requirements:

    • Artist travels with full sound system

    NC Essential Standards: * 3.ML.1.2 Execute the performance of major scale tones using the voice. * 3.MR.1.4 Identify the sounds of a variety of instruments and voices, including many orchestral instruments, instruments from various cultures * 3.CR.1.1 Exemplify how music is used by various groups for artistic expression within the local community. * 4.ML.3.2 Create compositions and arrangements using a variety of traditional and nontraditional sound sources. (Residency only) * 4.MR.1.1 Illustrate perceptual skills by moving to, answering questions about, and describing aural examples of music of various styles and cultures. * 4.CR.1.1 Understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of North Carolina. (And other southern states, in the case of performances in SC, VA, GA,TN, etc.) * 5.ML.3.2 Create compositions and arrangements within specified guidelines. (Residency only) * 5.CR.1.1 Understand how music has affected, and is reflected in, the culture, traditions, and history of the United States. Social Studies Connections: *3.C.1.2 Exemplify how various groups show artistic expression within the local and regional communities. *4.C.1.2 Explain how the artistic expression of various groups represents the cultural heritage of North Carolina. *5.C.1.4 Understand how cultural narratives (legends, songs, ballads, games, folk tales and art forms) reflect the lifestyles, beliefs and struggles of diverse ethnic groups. 

    Cost: $750 - one show / $950 - two shows (same day, same school)

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