Inclusive Outreach Support Grants
Inclusive Outreach Support are grants ranging from $3,000 to $15,000 that will increase support for cultural arts programs that promote diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion and which impact traditionally underserved constituencies in Cumberland County.
As a steward of public and private funds, the Arts Council is responsible for the compliance, reporting requirements, and restrictions for all grant funds that support the Inclusive Outreach Support grant program. The Arts Council is required to report on the distribution and use of all grant funds. All grant recipients are required to provide information on grant activities and expenditures for the purpose of completing these reports and meeting financial audit requirements. Failure to comply with all requirements, deadlines, and funding restrictions may result in a loss or return of funding and/or ineligibility for future Arts Council grants and contracts.
REMINDER: All applicants MUST complete and submit a Letter of Intent on or before August 31, 2022 to receive access to the full application.
Contact the Grants Department:
Michael Curtis Houck
Director of Grants and Allocations
910-323-1776 ext 1008
The Inclusive Outreach Support grant program is supported through funds from the North Carolina Arts Council
via American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Grassroots Arts grant programs. Additional funds are provided
through the generous support of individual donors to the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County.

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