Capital Project Grants
Capital Project Grants provide capital support for small to medium projects for 501(c) organizations in Cumberland County with an Art, Culture, or History-focused mission. Capital Project Grants will enhance the cultural quality of the community by increasing infrastructure in public facing spaces within Cultural Organizations, and can be used to acquire, construct, remodel/repair, and maintain facilities.
Capital Project Grants provide capital support by providing funds good for the acquisition of property, land, and equipment, or the improvement to them for the greater good of the organization and community.
Deadline for Applications: September 14, 2023
Contact the Grants Department:
Michael Curtis Houck
Director of Grants and Allocations
910-323-1776 ext 1008
The Inclusive Outreach Support grant program is supported through funds from the North Carolina Arts Council
via American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Grassroots Arts grant programs. Additional funds are provided
through the generous support of individual donors to the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County.

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Financial information and a copy of its license are available from the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at (888) 830-4989.
The license is not an endorsement by the State.