Donna Washington / DLW Storyteller, Inc.
Assembly Performance, Workshop
Service Description
Donna Washington is an internationally known master storyteller, artist educator, and published author who has been performing for audiences of all ages for over thirty-five years. She is renowned for her storytelling for both children & adults from poignant & funny fables about the human condition to racy relationships stories to spine tingling tales of terror. She has been featured at thousands of festivals, schools & libraries theaters and other venues around the world including Canada, Peru, Argentina, South Korea & Hong Kong. Assembly Performance: International Tales from Anansi to Zeus (K-12) Telling multicultural folktales is an amazing way to introduce students to different cultures, learn story structure, boost vocabulary, & enhance pre-reading skills. Storytelling fosters imagination, creativity & is a great jumping off point for writing exercises, about elements of story from character motivations to rising action. Professional storyteller & author Donna Washington presents age appropriate story sets to all of your students from Kindergarten to high school that comply with the Common Core Standards. These are perfect stories for all age groups from Anansi the Spider to Zeus! Grade Levels K-12 Maximums 2000 Students, 45-50 minutes, 4/day Technical Requirements Hand held microphone and stand Total Fee 1 performance- $880/ 2 performances (same day and same school)- $1,100 / 3 performances (same day and same school)- $1,320 / 4 performances (same day and same school)- $1,540 Workshop: Language and Literacy: The Thirty Million Word Gap / A Little Creative Drama / A Family Affair / Put the Book Down / Storycrafting (3-12) Donna provides a variety of workshops for educators and students on storytelling, writing, theater, educational techniques, and public speaking. Workshops are available for both teacher/educators & students. Student workshops are for grades 3-12. She also provides communication workshops specially designed for students and their families. Grade Levels 3-12 Maximums up to 2 hours, 3/day Technical Requirements None Total Fee 45-60 minutes: $800 / 90-120 minutes: $1,000 School Portion 45-60 minutes: $385 / 90-120 minutes: $495 Website